Outdoor Advertising Trasa Warszawa-Katowice

Billboards Trasa Warszawa-Katowice

Trasa Warszawa-Katowice

  • Location: provinces śląskie, łódzkie, mazowieckie
  • At the Warsaw - Katowice route, you can present your campaigns on cityboard advertising boards
The Warsaw - Katowice route (also called “Gierkówka”) is one of the most important routes in Poland. It has to lanes in each direction, over 280 km in length, and attracts many people to Śląsk. According to the data of the General Roads and Highways Management, the average daily traffic in the śląskie province is the highest in Poland. Over 20,000 cars travel along the roads at Śląsk. Such traffic is beneficial for outdoor advertising. Our boards located at the route guarantee that information about your business reaches new customers and your profits increase.

The Warsaw - Katowice route is used by entrepreneurs, suppliers and business partners. Large format advertising allows everyone to learn about your business.
Screens available in Warszawa – Katowice route:
In the nearest future, at the section from Piotrków Trybunalski to Katowice, the route will become a part of A1 highway. It will generate traffic between the southern and the northern border of the country. Use that opportunity and invest in outdoor advertising.
Selected screens in Warszawa – Katowice route:
Order advertising in Warsaw - Katowice route. Write to us.
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Cityboard Media Sp. z o.o.

ul. Narbutta 30, 02-541 Warszawa
+48 730 222 500
+48 22 376 99 00